In order to provide our lovely readers better and greater Canadian entertainment information, Klip Magazine Vancouver and Toronto are being combined starting from January 2016! This month Klip presents you “Trivia Battles”, let’s see how well you know Vancouver and Toronto!
How did Vancouver and Toronto get their names?
The name Vancouver comes from an English explorer George·Vancouver .Toronto is a modified name originated from the word “Tkaronto”, which came from the aboriginal group Mohawk meaning “where there are trees standing in the water”.
2. 溫哥華和多倫多的綽號有哪些?
What are the nicknames for Vancouver and Toronto?
溫哥華的外號除了經常下雨而聞名的Raincouver以外,還有另一個綽號 City of Glass,來自于加拿大作者Douglas Coupland的同名小說。多倫多曾被称為Hogtown(豬城),源于19世紀多倫多開設了最早和最大的豬肉加工廠William Davies Company 。
Aside from the name “Raincouver”, Vancouver has another nickname “City of Glass”, which comes from a local author Douglas Coupland’s book title. “Hogtown” is a historical nickname of Toronto since Toronto had the first and biggest pork processing factory ran by William Davies Company in 19th century.
3. 溫哥華和多倫多建築物中曾經的世界之最是哪一座?
What were the world’s tallest buildings in Vancouver and Toronto?
溫哥華市中心的Marine Building曾經是大英帝國最高的建築物。多倫多CN Tower將世界最高塔的記錄維持到2010年,而且現如今依然是世界最高的獨立式建築。
At one time, Vancouver’s famed Marine Building (97.8m) was the tallest building in the British Empire until 1939. CN Tower (553.33m) in Toronto was the world’s tallest tower until 2010, but it remains the tallest free-standing structure up to present.
4. 多倫多和溫哥華有哪些有趣的發明?
What kind of fun invention did Toronto and Vancouver have?
溫哥華是加洲卷的發源地: 在70年代由加藉日本名廚東條秀和發明。而在20年代時期,多倫多的橡膠公司JEM Rubber Co.發明了放屁墊。當有人坐到這個整人玩具上時,墊子會透過震動發出放屁般的聲響。
Vancouver is the origin of California roll: it was invented by Hidekazu Tojo,a Japanese-Canadian chef, in 1970s.In 1920s, JEM Rubber Co. invented Whoopee cushion (aka fart bag) in Toronto; this well-known prank toy can make a flat-like sound via vibration when a victim sits on the cushion.
5. 溫哥華和多倫多的人們快樂嗎?
How happy Vancouverites and Torontonians are?
根據四月中Statistic Canada 的一份報告指出,多倫多和溫哥華人們的平均生活滿意度排在加拿大33個大城市的倒數第二和最後一位。
According to a life satisfaction survey from Statistic Canada in mid-April, Toronto and Vancouver ranked second-lowest and the lowest average life satisfaction scores among 33 census metropolitan areas in Canada.
6. 來自溫哥華和多倫多的國際中華小姐競選冠軍得主有多少呢?
How many winners of Miss Chinese International Pageant were come from Vancouver and Toronto?
國際中華小姐競選由1988 年起舉行至今, 已有28年歷史。當中奪冠的溫哥華有六位, 分別為:廖碧兒、周雪、鍾嘉欣、李亞男、岑麗香及鄧佩儀。多倫多方面則有茍芸慧、盧淑儀和陳曼莉三位。
Miss Chinese International Pageant was founded in 1988 with 28 years history. Till now there are 6 winners from Vancouver including Bernice Liu, Shirley Zhou, Linda Chung, Leanne Li, Eliza Sam and Gloria Tang and 3 winners from Toronto including Christine Kuo, Monica Lo and Rosemary Chan.
7. 有什麼公司在多倫多和溫哥華開設它們第一家加拿大店?
Which company opened their first Canadian store in Vancouver and Toronto?
第一家加拿大的麥當勞於1967年在列冶文第三街開業; 而加拿大第一家星巴克則在溫哥華的Seabus station開業。2005年多倫多的Yorkdale Center迎來了加拿大第一家蘋果商店,而在2008年全加第一家Bath & Body Works亦在該商場開幕。
The first McDonalds in Canada was opened at 1967 on no.3 road, Richmond BC. The first Starbucks in Canada was opened at 1987 in Seabus station, Vancouver. In 2005, Toronto welcomed the first Canadian Apple store in Yorkdale center where the first Bath & Body Works store in Canada was opened there in September 2008.
8. 溫哥華和多倫多在中國的友好城市是?
Where are the sister cities of Vancouver and Toronto in China?
Guangzhou is the sister city of Vancouver. Chongqing is the sister city of Toronto.
9. 哪一個城市更適合女生居住?
Which city is more suitable for women to live?
根據Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives在2015年7月的一份報告,調查了25個城市中那一個城市最適合女性生活。在五項評分項目(經濟穩定度、教育、醫療、領導比例及安全)中,溫哥華得到第7位,多倫多得12位;BC省的維多利亞為第一名。
According to a study launched by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives in July 2015, 25 Canadian cities have been ranked in terms of women’s life. By comparing the economic security, education, health, leadership and security, Vancouver ranked 7th while Toronto ranked 12th; Victoria in BC ranked the top.
10. 兩個城市分別有什麼奇怪有趣的法律?
Is there any quirky law in Vancouver and Toronto?
In Vancouver, according to the British Columbia provincial law, it is illegal to kill a Sasquatch.
In Toronto, it is illegal to drag a dead horse down Yonge Street on Sunday.