Strawberry &Cucumber Infused Water
< Recipe >
- Slice 1 Cucumber and cut 1 cup of strawberries into half or quarter.
- Soak them into a half litter of water.
- Keep the bottle in your fridge for 4hours.
< Health Benefit >
Strawberries and cucumbers help detox, fight carcinogens, and help anti-aging.
Grapefruit, Lemon & Lime Infused Water
< Recipe >
- Cut half grapefruit into horizontal slices. You can either keep rind or cut off.
- Slice half lemon and half lime.
- Soak them into a half litter of water.
- Keep the bottle in your fridge up to 24 hours.
< Health Benefit >
It gives you a boost of vitamin C. Plenty of vitamin C is beneficial to promoting cardiovascular health, and fights cold symptoms.
Blueberries & Mint Infused Water
< Recipe >
- Prepare 1cup of blueberries and half cup of mint leaves. Wash them well.
- Soak them into a half litter of water, and mash blueberries gently.
- Keep the bottle in your fridge about 3 hours.
< Health Benefit >
Blueberries have plenty of anti-oxidants and mints help your digestion.