黑色基調,搭配復古的燈飾與輕快明朗的音樂,位於市區辦公大樓林立區域的Jack Tan’s Restaurant逐漸成為附近上班族及年輕族群經過一整天工作之後放鬆的首選。
「我在英國留學時就很喜歡和朋友或自己一個人到酒吧喝點酒,但卻發現大多數的酒吧除了酒水,沒有很多菜色讓顧客選擇,這是Jack Tan’s和一般酒吧最大的不同。」餐廳創辦人Jack Tan有著豐富的餐飲背景,加上精心研究酒吧的歷史,創新地結合了傳統酒吧的精神與東方精緻的飲食文化,碰撞出了有趣的新火花。在Jack Tan’s你可以點一杯最愛的啤酒,搭配Jack Tan’s的招牌菜鮪魚佐墨西哥焗烤薯片(TUNA NACHOS)——獨特的芋頭薯片搭配起士、鮪魚和拌入新鮮蕃茄的酪梨醬(GUACAMOLE),下酒之外,每一口都讓人驚喜不已。其他的菜色也都如同有著多元文化的多倫多,將各種國家文化背景的餐點融合之後,以嶄新具創意的方式呈現。
而餐廳中的裝潢更是Jack Tan’s的另一大亮點;木製的吧檯透露著追尋酒吧傳統的足跡,精心挑選的懷舊燈泡則溫暖又摩登。下班後想找個好餐廳釋放一天的壓力?不妨到Jack Tan’s走走,享受從視覺、聽覺到味覺的新感受。
Black background with vintage lighting and R&B music, Jack Tan’s Restaurant has become the first choice for youths and office people chilling after work.
“I really enjoyed the bar environment when studied in the UK, I would go to different bars by myself or with several friends. I always feel some snack or food when drinking but found out that the food choices are usually not much in most of bars,” said the owner Jack Tan, “that’s the reason why I create a bar with Asian fusion food.” With lots of experience from family in running restaurants, Jack Tan studied the history of bars and combined the bar character with the Asian food culture, created a brand new style with the chef Wayne in Jack Tan’s Restaurant. You can order the signature dish TUNA NACHOS ––unique toro chips with cheese, tuna and fresh homemade spicy creamy guacamole–– to go with your favorite beer, the special taste texture will definitely surprise you. All the meals are twisted from different dishes in different Asian countries just like the multi-cultural spirit in Toronto and presented in a whole new creative way.
The other highlight is the interior decorating. The wood bar table represents the history of a traditional bar, and the classical lighting picked from Jack Tan conveys the warm and modern atmosphere. Need a place to ease your pressure from working? Jack Tan’s would be a good option for your enjoyment from vision, hearing and taste.
Jack Tan’s Restaurant
770 Bay St., Toronto, ON M5G 0A6
Monday 5:00pm – 1:00am
Tuesday 5:00pm – 1:00am
Wednesday 11:30am – 1:00am
Thursday 11:30am – 1:00am
Friday 11:30am – 1:00am
Saturday 5:00pm – 1:00am
Sunday Closed